AT THE TOWN OFFICE (cash, debit, cheque or money order) – 84 Second Street – please make cheques payable to the Town of Lac du Bonnet. Be sure to write your address or account number on the cheque to ensure your payment is applied to the correct account.
BY MAIL – Box 339 Lac du Bonnet, MB R0E 1A0
POST DATED CHEQUES – we will safely secure your posted dated cheques and deposit them when required.
TELPAY ON-LINE- if you bank with Sunova or Royal Bank you can set us up as a payee with your financial institution. Search for us by entering LAC DU BONNET. You will need your account number/roll number (if you are unsure what number to use please call us for help). Follow your banks instructions to add the Town as a payee. Please note the Town has two accounts one for utilities and one for taxes so please ensure you use the correct payee when making your payments. If you are unsure of how to set us up as a payee please contact your financial institution for help.
E-TRANSFER – if you are wanting to make a payment through e-transfer please send it to Your password must be one of the following; For tax payments use the word tax2025 and for utility payments use the word utility2025.
NOTE: Any payments received by cheque or online banking will be processed on the actual day the cheque is received or when the online payment is deposited into our bank account. Not the date on the cheque or the date you made your online payment. To avoid late fees please ensure you allow 3 - 5 business days when paying online or sufficient time when sending payment through the mail.